The Other side of the Tracks: Big Risks & Life Choices - Episode 8. Listen or download below.

The Other side of the Tracks:  Big Risks & Life Choices - Episode 8.  Listen or download below.

Rafe and Steve talk to Destination Nowhere founder and 'earth tenant', Tony Kovicak about Storms, BMX Bandits, and the first guy to get pegs on his bicycle.  Along the way, they also discuss this episode's topic:  Big Risks & Life Choices.

Tony left his safe, lucrative corporate job at 37 years old to complete the dream of his 13-year old self.....Traveling the world and riding his bike across country.  Tony rode from Florida to Washington in a four month adventure and chronicled his journey along the way at

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Cross American - Showing May 8th at 7p at NW Documentary, 6 NE Tillamook St. Portland, OR 97212

Touring across the country is a rewarding experience, fraught with a wealth of mental and physical challenges and alongside victorious triumphs. Cross country bike tourist Tony refers this the journey of a “battle of attrition with yourself” and in this piece he inspires us to step out of our comfort zone and embark on a journey of a lifetime.

Embracing Adventure!

Yesterday, I was having breakfast with a friend at a local restaurant with my back to the window, and my friend calmly stated and pointed behind me, "Are those your people???".  I turned around and noticed two tour cyclist pulling up to the restaurant with fully loaded rigs.  I turned back and noted "Yup.....they are part of the tribe".  

They came into the restaurant, and long behold were seated directly next to us.  I let them order before blowing them up with questions - where are they from, where are they going, what are they eating, etc, etc.

Long story short........Brian and Alex came back to my place and camped at my house.  They are just embarking on a 4 month journey riding the continental divide from South to North.  They left Traverse City 6 days prior, and were headed to the train station in Kalamazoo.  We talked about my trip, and their trip and everything in between.  I showed them my short documentary, and gave them some books that had touched my heart in what seemed like a previous distant life......

The following day after resting, I drove them to the local bike shop to get a couple things, and then headed south of Grand Rapids to get them to a safe start point, and then sent them on their way, as they were hitching a Train to New Mexico and riding the continental divide over the next 4 months.

What's interesting and something they probably didn't understand (yet), is that what they provided me was way more than what I provided them.  Sure, they had a warm shower, a couple of books, and gained some knowledge of what I had done on my ride the previous summer,  but I had a chance to live vicariously through them and give back for all the gratitude I had received last summer on my ride across the USA. In a weird way, it was the same feeling I had on the road every time something cool would happen. 

The truth is - without turning this post into a 1000 word marathon monologue - that transitioning back to normal life hasn't been the buttery-smooth landing I had hoped.  It's tough going from being on the road, to coming back to everything that is comfortable and sane.  And meeting people like Alex & Brian, and taking a moment to realize that there is 'adventure' all around you, is something I need to embrace and incorporate into my life on a daily basis. 

Thanks Guys - and enjoy the ride of your life.  You're badasses!!!!!

Alex & Brian heading out to Kalamazoo with their fully loaded Continental Divide rigs

Alex & Brian heading out to Kalamazoo with their fully loaded Continental Divide rigs

Tamarindo Costa Rica...My new home!

I decided that I'll be spending my winter in Costa Rica, learning to surf, relaxing in the sun, and discovering what all the hoopla is about regarding this place!  So far, I must confess, it has delivered on it's amazingness!  

Big week for this guy....was snowboarding one day at Snowbird, and watching the sunset the following day in Costa Rica!  

A typical sunset on Tamarindo Beach!


My 'spartan-esq' apartment!  I'm working on some wall coverings as we speak!


A local beauty with one of the random local k9s.

The local hero Moxie taking it all in!

Amazing vegetation down here....things grow different near the equator!

My trusty new Steed!  26" Haro.....which I'm told is the Cadillac of bikes down here!!!!

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In case you don't know where Costa Rica is!

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In case you want to should fly into Liberia!